Reformat incoming! Also, another new resource for jazzers:

Visit Eric Dannewitz's

Hello JazzScripts readers!

The JazzScripts blog is about get an overhaul! You may have already noticed the new design, but the content will be changing a little too.

Previously, my focus had been pretty much exclusively jazz transcriptions and links to resources of a similar nature. However, now that I have reopened my teaching studio, I felt that it was time to branch out and address topics of a (marginally) more general nature, if at least for the sake of my current (and prospective!) students.

Expect upcoming posts about music theory, guitar, electric bass and upright, jazz, pop, rock--almost anything! Of course, I won't stop looking for new material for the hardcore jazz reader.

And now the main event...

To that end, allow me to present! Run by "musician and polymath" Eric Dannewitz (see @ericdano's personal website site here), Jazz-Sax is a wonderfully well-maintained music blog.

Eric has a plethora of music available on his site as well. Keep track of his regularly-updated Sheet of the Week page, where he features a timely (or at least topical) piece of music on a more-or-less(-actually-less-but-it's-cool-because-it's-still-great) basis.

And that's it for now! Be on the lookout for new material coming soon, and have a good one!


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